  1. Organize flows into folders

    Some projects have multiple flows associated with them and being able to see them all in a single list would be easier on the mind. We can even organize flows into folders based on category, client or project.

    Bharat S
    #Features 💡


  2. Improve Trigger support

    Currently only File System, Mail and Http In triggers are available. Integrate the Trigger system with the Packages. This can be possible if a package provides a Trigger node. This way any package providing a Trigger node can be actively listened in the background by the robot either it is in an idle or busy state. It would also be great if the Trigger node can be used within a flow without changing anything in the flow. So a flow that has a Trigger node can act the same way either it is manually started and ran by hand or the Trigger setup is done from Admin Console -> Triggers.

    Faik Uygur
    #Features 💡


  3. Additional Time Settings for Schedules

    While working with the scheduling capabilities I realized that you can only set one time setting per day and would need to set up additional schedules for additional times. It would be awesome if additional every day times on an individual schedule was an option.

    Julia D
    #Features 💡


  4. Screen Record Video 🎥

    A node for capturing screen recordings.

    Bharat S
    #Features 💡


  5. Add 'Append Rows' endpoint to Google Sheets

    There is an endpoint in GSheets, that allows to skip quite a few coding steps for non coders: It finds the last row and appends to first empty row (very common operation). Now it can only be achieved using Function node.

    Tomas V


  6. Create and manage flow variables as assets in the admin console

    I want to be able to create assets/arguments/variables that can be used by my flows and I want to be able to store them in the admin console. When I create an asset, i want to either set its value or, in case of credentials, select an item from the vault. I also want to be able to update these assets easily. Type of assets: text, integer, credentials (vault items), boolean,…

    Ursula L
    #Features 💡


  7. Desktop Recorder

    It is hard to inspect desktop elements one by one, instead the desktop app can have a record button and generate a subflow for the automation.

    Faik Uygur
    #Features 💡


  8. Web Recorder

    It is hard to inspect web elements one by one, instead the extension can have a record button and generate a subflow for the automation.

    Faik Uygur
    #Features 💡


  9. Google Sheets Add-On for Triggers

    I would like for any change on my Google Sheets to trigger a flow.

    Faik Uygur
    #Features 💡#Packages 📦


  10. Add Subflow Library support

    Currently when we develop a subflow that can be used in the same flow or in another flow, we have to copy paste the subflow. This makes it hard to fix bugs in common subflows, you have to fix the same error in every subflow or worse you can miss one. Add Subflow Load / Save support and creating a library of subflows within a workspace.

    Faik Uygur
    #Features 💡


  11. Add Stealth Mode option for Headless Chrome

    When you need to manage 10s or 100s of web scraping Chrome sessions with your robot, you most probably want to use the "Headless Chrome" option in your flow. If you are using a Linux machine without a Desktop, this is the only option. But "Headless Chrome" is easily detected by anti-bot measures on some sites, blocking immediately or constantly throwing out reCaptcha's. Puppeteer has a plugin to counter-measure this named stealth plugin. Add this feature to Open Browser node.

    Faik Uygur
    #Features 💡


  12. Add Fingerprint spoofing support

    Websites can create unique fingerprints to track user activity without even using Cookies. This technique is also used as an anti-bot measure by some sites, blocking usage and throwing out recaptchas. By changing the attributes sent by a browser it is possible to change the identity of a browser. Add fingerprint spoofing support.

    Faik Uygur
    #Features 💡


  13. Robot connection monitor

    Notify us when a robot disconnects due to technical error.

    Bharat S
    #Features 💡#Robots 🤖


  14. Add Javascript language support to custom packages

    Currently, Python, .NET Core, Java, and Golang are supported. Javascript has huge library support and would be great to write custom packages with Javascript.

    Faik Uygur
    #Packages 📦


  15. Node documentation inside of Flow Designer

    Hey, I would find it great if there was a little documentation about the individual nodes. Just a short description of what the node does and when it is used (maybe with info if it requires a certain input or gives a certain output). Preferably directly within the flow designer, with the help of a small "i" symbol or something, so that you don't have to switch to the documentation while working on a flow to find the corresponding place. Currently I have the problem that I - as a new user - am often not quite sure which node is suitable for the respective purpose, when I am sitting on a particular flow.

    #Features 💡#Docs 🗎
