
New updates and improvements to Robomotion

Robomotion v1.18.4 is out!

You can download the latest version from


Here is the changelog:


⚡️ [Fix] Mail attachment names can be problematic while saving into the filesystem, they are now replaced with valid characters before saving

⚡️ [Fix] gRPC transport closing error fixed

⚡️ [Added] Image -> Take Screenshot node is added that takes shots of each desktop screen into separate files

⚡️ [Added] Lock security mode feature is added. "--lock" option for command line or right clicking the Robot name and selecting "Lock" on Robomotion Desktop app. In lock mode only previously cached flows can be run. Any new or updated flow run will be rejected by the robot.

⚡️ [Fix] Vault Inject fix for robot started with -i parameter

⚡️ [Fix] Right clicking and removing workspace was not working when vault keys of that workspace were injected

⚡️ [Fix] Version create status sometimes were freezing in "inprogress" state, fixed

⚡️ [Fix] Vault item create was not allowed for robot user, fixed

⚡️ [Improved] Vault items redaction improvements, some credential items' values were not being redacted, fixed

⚡️ [Fix] Mail triggers should only be triggered with "unread" emails, fixed

⚡️ [Improved] Global dispatch mechanism is added between the robot and the workspace to update the robot on changes

⚡️ [Improved] Trigger add, remove, updates in the Admin Console are now reflected to the robot immediately without a need to disconnect and connect the robot

⚡️ [Improved] Trigger add, remove, update and caught info messages added into the robot logs

⚡️ [Fix] Designer crash on search is fixed

⚡️ [Added] Browser -> Click Element now has Hold and Release click types

⚡️ [Fix] Chrome's whatsnew tab is disabled

⚡️ [Fix] Remove "received EOF, stopping recv loop" message from the logs

