
New updates and improvements to Robomotion

All Announcements

Robomotion v23.1.0 is out!

We are happy to announce the first release of 2023, which includes new features, bug fixes, and more improvements.


We are still working on the development of our upcoming products Bot Console, Robomotion Assistant, and our new robot-type Application Robots which will introduce web-based attended usage. Application Robots will also be the base of our upcoming Bot Store.


Here is the Changelog for this release:


⚡️ [Fixed] Long node name overflows in Flow Designer node palette


⚡️ [Added] Only IDs option to Search Mail node which helps to process a large number of emails. With Only IDs, Search Mail only returns the Uid of the emails in an array. You can use For Each node to loop through these Uids, then again Search Mail node can be used to retrieve an email by its Uid only.


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⚡️ [Improved] Vault sharing dialog. Now you can add, remove or update the emails without Unsharing and Sharing again.


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⚡️ [Fixed] master version spinning forever in Version Dialog.


⚡️ [Fixed] Queue status and priority updates with the "Update Item State" node. The update was failing because of the status and priority item types.


⚡️ [Fixed] Variables default value set bug in the Designer panel.


⚡️ [Added] Function node auto-beautify Javascript code on Save.




⚡️ [Improved] Sign in and Sign up pages. Workspace creation has now fewer steps.


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⚡️ [Improved] the array widget of the node properties.


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⚡️ [Improved] the date widget of the node properties.




⚡️ [Fixed] Robomotion Forms had a bug that makes the submitted data with special characters (non-Latin characters) unrecoverable from the Queue. Get Next Item was throwing an exception.


⚡️ [Improved] Multiple Queue Items can now be updated altogether.


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⚡️ [Fixed] a very rare Goto node crash.


⚡️ [Improved] Function node editor now has docking and full-screen features.


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⚡️ [Improved] Nodes that have an Edit menu item and an Editor can now be accessible with a double-click. So a double click to the Function node now directly opens the editor.


⚡️ [Improved] Http Out node now can return a file with a given Attachment File property. This can be used in different forms. For example, you can create an endpoint with path params like /files/:filename with Http In, and in the flow, you can return this filename from a folder. So you can dynamically create a file and return that file, like generating a report.pdf, or you can setup Http In and Http Out to work similarly like a file server.


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⚡️ [Improved] List Dir node now can only return the selected file info with the addition of Modification Time and Mode. Now you can decrease the size of the returned array by only requesting the necessary information.


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⚡️ [Improved] Wait File now returns the files that match the given file pattern. Before this, we were using List Directory (sorted by date) to find out the created or downloaded file.


⚡️ [Improved] Schedule dialog now accepts more than 1 robot. When the schedule comes any of the available robots can run the flow. The flow will run once on any of the available robots.


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⚡️ [Added] "Should Stop" node under the default Flow package. This node returns true if only a higher priority schedule is waiting. Before this, a higher priority schedule was forced to stop the flow. But this was not allowing a graceful stop. Now it is up to you to stop or not. And you can decide to stop in a much more graceful way.


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⚡️ [Added] Hardware Trigger option to the Admin Console -> Triggers. This trigger can watch CPU, Memory, and Disk Usage with thresholds.


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⚡️ [Improved] Simplified Http Trigger options. Added IP option and Request Unique ID is now optional.


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