
New updates and improvements to Robomotion

All Announcements

Robomotion v23.1.1 is out!

This is a minor release to fix a backward compatibility problem. You only need to update to this version if you have updated to 23.1.0 and also you have used the Wait File node in your flows. In this case, you either have to replace the Wait File node with the latest from the Flow Designer node palette or just update to this latest version.


Here is the Changelog for this release:


⚡️ [Fixed] Wait File node is broken with the latest release 23.1.0. The problem was the latest node version now has a new output object named msg.files but old nodes do not have this. The latest robot version was expecting it for all node versions. Updating to the latest robot version will fix this problem.


Screenshot from 2023-01-18 20-39-57

