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Robomotion v23.6.1 is out! 🚀

This release primarily focused on bug fixes, with two notable ones: a Vault Secret Injection issue that resulted in the deletion of old Vault Secrets on the machine, and fixing the "Stdout already set" error, which was preventing the flow from starting.


Here is the Changelog for this release:


⚡️[Fixed] Pending schedules should be deleted when a published flow, schedule, or the published flow version is not found.


⚡️[Fixed] The issue was that copied subflows with the same GUID were overriding each other. This problem occurred due to a copy-paste error, leading to confusion when clicking on an updated subflow but encountering a different subflow instead.


⚡️[Fixed] The copy-paste function did not retain the selected nodes for the Goto and Catch nodes.


⚡️[Fixed] When a new dialog or window is opened, it should lock the flow board to prevent accidental deletion of nodes. However, in some scenarios, the keyboard lock was being released, causing the nodes on the flow board to be unintentionally deleted when deleting text inside the Function text editor or an input box.


⚡️[Fixed] The updating of the output port properties for the Switch node was slow, and at times, the last few characters were not being saved.


⚡️[Added] The "Skip TLS Verification" option has been added to the FTP Connect node for both FTPS and sFTP connections. This addition allows users to connect to hosts with invalid SSL certificates.


⚡️[Fixed] The flow export feature allows you to save a flow as a file. However, the import option for creating a flow was causing issues with UTF-8 characters, breaking their encoding.


⚡️[Fixed] The "Inject Vault Secret" option is functioning properly when a single robot is connected at the machine, and the secret is saved on that machine. However, when another injection is attempted to another robot, the robot fails to read the updated data. As a result, the new injection overwrites the data with the information that was initially read when the robot first started. Consequently, this issue causes the previously injected Vault Secret Keys to be deleted with the new injections.


⚡️[Fixed] Application nodes require a WebSocket connection for the Bot Console. However, when the WebSocket connection is lost, a reconnection should be established. The issue was that the Application nodes were not reconnecting with a valid token, resulting in a loop of reconnection attempts without successfully reconnecting.


⚡️[Fixed] Robomotion packages are essentially single binary executables. However, the behavior of this feature varies depending on the programming language. In the case of .NET and Python, the executable is extracted into a temporary folder and then executed before the flow begins. However, for certain packages, this process was taking too long and resulting in a timeout during the node initialization process. As a consequence, an error message stating "Stdout already set" was occuring, causing the flow to fail to start.



