
New updates and improvements to Robomotion

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Robomotion v23.8.1 is out! 🚀

We're excited to bring you version 23.8.1 of Robomotion RPA! This month, our team has been hard at work focusing on improvements to the new Web Recorder - which will be in Chrome Store in a week - and various packages like OpenAI, Leonardo.Ai, Data Table, and the CapMonster package. We've introduced new features, made enhancements, and fixed some bugs to make your automation experience smoother and more efficient.


Here is the Changelog for this release:


⚡️ Subflow Libraries: We understand that reusability is key in any automation process. With our new Subflow Libraries feature, you can now create subflows as if they were new projects and use these subflows in any flow.


⚡️ Browser -> Scrable Table & Scrape List Nodes: We have added 2 new nodes to the Browser package which helps in your scraping tasks. Web Recorder also will be using these new nodes while generating the recorded subflows.


⚡️ Excel -> Get Range "Raw Value" Option: We've added a "Raw Value" option to the Excel -> Get Range node. This allows you to retrieve the actual cell value, making it easier to sort and filter tables when using the Data Table package.


⚡️ Browser -> Switch Window Enhancements: The Browser -> Switch Window node now supports using the page title for window switching, and we've added regex support for more advanced use-cases.


⚡️ Web Recorder Updates: Our Web Recorder will be available in Chrome Store in a week. We have made the necessary updates to the Flow Designer.
